Let’s Talk about Acne Scarring
SkinCPT Aesthetic Clinic is a physician led skin care and medical aesthetics clinic based in the heart of Downtown Vancouver,. SkinCPT is setting a new standard in our advanced approach to acne and acne scarring. We are committed to providing comprehensive treatment plans to address active acne and acne scarring.
When we consider our approach to acne scarring at SkinCPT, many factors come into play. Response to treatments and results vary from patient to patient. Results are progressive and gradual.
This patient pictured above had one chemical peel treatment to help reduce acne and redness. Medical management of acne was supervised by skin professionals at SkinCPT.
Does patient’s skin type, skin color and ethnic background matter?
At SkinCPT Aesthetic Clinic we take pride in offering an array of treatments that can cover virtually every skin type.
The patient skin type will dictate the best modalities for a patient. For example, a dark skinned patient with boxcar and pigmented scarring will be safest receiving a Halo laser and/or microneedling as these treatments are the least likely to cause hyperpigmentation from the laser energy.
A light skinned patient with boxcar scarring can certainly be treated with the Halo but may also benefit from a customized laser peel to target the problem areas. The risk of hyperpigmentation is lower on lighter skin types.
Patients with skin of color are at risk of developing pigmentation as a result of their acne scarring. In these situations, Halo or Moxi lasers with adjunctive medical grade skin care and pigmentation protocols are an ideal approach.
Lighter skin types and some Asian skin types will have post inflammatory redness. This is approached with the Broad Band Light Laser over a series of treatments.
This patient pictured above had one microneedling treatment to help reduce acne scarring.
This patient pictured above had one microneedling treatment to help reduce acne scarring. The result photo is 1.5 month after the initial treatment.
Is acne still occuring?
The most ideal acne scar removal treatment plan is performed in the absence of acne. If you are currently still having acne and want to start acne scar treatments, the SkinCPT physician might recommend a low dose antibiotic that is compatible with laser treatments. Microneedling is another option that helps reduce acne and acne breakouts. This can be performed on its own or in combination with acne medication. After your acne scar treatment plan is completed, then you can complete a series of Chemical Peel combined with Mesotherapy to permanently reduce your acne and improve skin texture.
What is the time frame and budget?
The team at SkinCPT Aesthetic Clinic is very invested in your process and we will work with your timeframe and budget to get you most efficient outcomes possible. If you have a special event or life milestone that is coming up we can help you with your treatment plan in a way that works best for your schedule!
For more information about Acne Scarring and Active Acne Treatment options, please reach out to our skin experts at SkinCPT Aesthetic Clinic.